Friday, May 21, 2010

Graduation and a Weekend in Surfside

We are wrapping up our lives here with a celebration of Lexi graduating from 5th grade at her school this week and the end of another school year.
We just returned from a great weekend with Jeffrey's family at the beach in Surfside, TX. Surfside was a place that Jeffrey's family spent their vacations as he was growing up. This was a gift from Poppie who hasn't been to the beach in probably 25 years. It was great to see our children get to spend time with their cousins and also to see Nonnie and Poppie on the beach with their grandchildren.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Arrived, not yet !!

We reached 100% of our monthly committed funds on 5/11. This has been such a paradox for our whole family. Happy that we get to go but also sad that we are leaving. We know that our fund raising is not "completed" and will always be a part of our lives as long as we are missionaries. We have been so excited in the past few months to be able to focus full time sharing our "Ministry Vision" with others and getting to know so many people that we would not have had the opportunity to get to know otherwise. We are so excited to have reached 100% but also reality is that we will be moving soon. As we wait for our Visas to come in we will continue to raise our support team to a level, so that we don't have to return soon after leaving to raise funds. We have also been blessed by different people offering services to us for little or no cost for different things we need. We are so thankful that God provides in so many ways and that we are so blessed!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Allison singing

Allison came in last night with the guitar and wanted to sing for me. After the first song I asked if I could record it, she said "Sure". Here are the results. Amazing talent!!