In the last several weeks Pickle(Jeffrey Jr.) has picked up on the fact that we are moving to Jamaica. Now every time we get in the car to go somewhere he says"Going to Jamaica?" and we have to tell him that it is not this time. Yesterday I told him that we would be going on a big plane when we go to Jamaica. So now he says "Going to Jamaica on a big plane?"
As we are packing and trying to figure out the way to do this moving (internationally), we've been very frustrated because we can't always get the answers we want on how to do this without paying for a full service moving company. While discussing the move yesterday with a friend I told him of our frustrations, he reminded me of how God will provide the answers when we need them. I then was reminded of Pickle's desire to go to Jamaica. He asks nothing about what it will be like, how will we get there, what will we take, is it going to be OK, or anything about the move away from the life he knows here with his friends and family. He just knows that we have told him we are going to Jamaica and in a two year old way trusts his mother and father for all the details. Faith like a child(Matthew 18:2-4)!
Please pray that we would have faith like a child and as we are waiting for our work permit from the Jamaica govt. and packing/sorting through our house we can continue to walk and serve God with the faith like a child.