As we are waiting on our God for the work permit from the Jamaican govt. I received an email from Nicholas with CCCD in Jamaica that said he has been calling all week to get the status on our paper work. On Thursday they said "we can't find it!". Now he will have to personally go to Kingston and present them with copies of our paperwork that we sent to them in April(almost 3 months ago).
After receiving this news there was a sense of disappointment, just the thought that it will take that much longer to get approval before we can move. Then we remembered who was in charge and the fact that God's timing is perfect and not always ours. He has greater plans than we do so at this time we are happily waiting on God but praying for a quick resolution to this situation. We are thankful for a great support team that quickly and continually lifts us up in prayer.

Also, Jeffrey Jr. aka "Pickle" continues to ask almost daily if we are going to Jamaica (I love those conversations)! This always reminds me of how we should be anticipating God's timing, with faith like a child!!!