On Sunday Erin was baptized at Dump Up Beach here in Montego Bay Jamaica. This is a far cry from who she was just 10 months ago. Last summer Erin had mentioned that she would like to be baptized, so it tried talking with her about it. Immediately she clammed up and refused to talk about it. Over the next few weeks we tried many times to talk with her about this and also her salvation. She acted embarrassed and would cry many times not wanting to talk about it and asked us not to mention it. I think she had a fear that she would have to get in front of everyone and speak if she accepted Jesus and got Baptized.
In September after watching the movie "Letters to God" I was able to share with her about her need for a savior and we prayed to ask Jesus into her heart. She was so excited she started crying. She couldn't explain or understand why she was crying but was very excited. Over the next few weeks she shared with many about her new life and also got to share at the church service at Beautiful Feet. We were amazed of the transformation that Christ had made in our little girl.
Our church here in Montego Bay had announced they were having a Baptism service on May 1 at the beach. My desire was for my daughter to be baptized but wanted it to be her desire to follow Christ and not for my desire. Saturday evening we were talking about the Baptism service and Lexi mentioned to Erin that she could be Baptized. She
We have been through so many changes in the past 7 months and look forward to the many more changes God has in store for us. We have seen many lives changed here in Jamaica and we are so excited and blessed to see our children grow into the children that God made them. As parents we are so blessed and excited that our children desire to follow God and be obedient to his commands. We pray every night that our children would grow up to know God and serve Him with their lives. God has been faithful to answer our prayers and know that he will continue to provide answers to our prayers.