Saturday, August 28, 2010


As we now have another week of what seems like disappointing news from Jamaica, we know that our lives are in His hands. We received an email last week from our contact in Jamaica and they told him that the paperwork was still being processed but the gentleman seemed to think it would be ready next week. This week his email said that when he called it was still in the process and need to call back on Friday. He called and couldn't get through to anyone there at the Ministry of Labour. As we try to update everyone it is getting harder to give the same news every week.
As we wait on the approval of our work permit we are encouraged by seeing the work that God is doing at Beautiful Feet here in Ft.Worth. Our family is serving there on a regular basis. The girls are helping out in the kitchen cooking, cleaning and serving the food. Jodi and I are also helping in the kitchen and I have been able to lead devotions a few mornings. We have also been able to be a part of the orientation and prayer for the teams that are coming to serve at The Feet. We have met some great friends there that we love serving and serving with and will sure miss them all when we do move to Jamaica.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

God's calling

The other night while at the dinner table Allison asked why we are going to Jamaica. Erin told her that it was because Mom and Dad liked it there and wanted to go. I had to step in and explain the true reason we are going. I was able to share with them how in Matthew 16 Jesus said "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." That God can speak to us many different ways and also confirms that through the Bible. I then realized that as we have been sharing our ministry vision with others, I haven't focused on sharing with our younger children and making sure they understand why we are going to Jamaica.
As we still prepare we are hearing progress on our work permit. The past few weeks we have heard that the paperwork is in progress but not ready, and we will have to call back in a few days. As frustrating as this is for us we know that this is God's call and we have to be obedient and wait for Him to provide.