While in Jamaica in Oct. we went on a little boat ride. We were sitting in the boat and Erin asks me what all the life jackets are for. I said there is one for everyone on the boat in case of an emergency. She said I can't swim that far(we were probably about 25 yards from shore in about 5 ft of water) I hugged her and said that she didn't need to worry about it I could swim. She again stated "I can't swim that far", again I told her not to worry I can stand up in this water, it isn't deep. She seemed ok at that point and enjoyed the rest of the boat ride. I was reminded of how God comforts us.
Erin's next story starts back in Oct when we got on the plane to Jamaica. While sitting on the runway I noticed she wasn't looking very happy so I asked her what was up. She asked if we were going to be flying over water and I told her that the first plane would a little bit to Florida but then the next flight was all over water and that this is the only way to get to Jamaica. She said "I don't like to fly over water". This was news to me, she's my little fish who loves water. I told her it would be OK and these planes fly over water all the time without troubles. She was OK with that. Then while on the plane to come home I noticed a tear in her eye, I asked and she again said "I don't like to fly over water". As a father my heart broke, my little girl was afraid and I knew there was no way around this but I encouraged her and told her that daddy was here and I would take care of her and also God was with us so we would be OK. Once we got in the air she was OK.
So this past week we were driving and she says (out of the blue) I wish we didn't have to fly on 2 planes to get to Jamaica(she's thinking the quickest way over the water). I told her that there was a direct flight to Jamaica that we might be able to get on, she seemed happy with this.
I was reminded again this week as I was comforting my little girl as I was reminded in Oct of how God comforts us. As I'm worried about all that needs to be done in our transition and support team raising He tells me not to worry it will be OK. I tell Him "I can't do this" again He says "I'm in charge and I do this all the time. I will take care of all this, trust Me it is not for you to worry about."
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