Wow sitting here in Jamaica, desiring to be with my family. My uncle Danny passed away last week and his memorial service was today. Gracefully the pastor handling the service brought his laptop and Skyped us in to watch the service. We are truly blessed to have the technology to be able to be with our family at this time.
My uncle was a respected man that was injured serving our country in Vietnam as a teenager and then dealt with the aftermath of all of that for the rest of his life, even to living the last years of his life on disability. He loved helping others, making everyone laugh and being there for his family and friends. He did have a side of him that allowed him to deal with all the disappointments in his life, it was a way that did alienate him from his family and friends but had such a grip on his life he couldn't shake it.
As Micah said during the service there are many question of why and how they all point us to our Savior Jesus Christ and what He has done for us. As I sat here during the memorial service I had many questions as to my uncle's life and why God let it go the way He did. Also the question of why am I in another country serving God and helping people find Christ when there are those in my family and friends back home who don't know Him. Why did a man who had such a great heart and love people and his family have such a dark side that gripped him? Why could that grip not be broken, we prayed continually? The fact is that all this doesn't make sense in the world and my finite mind but in God's kingdom, He is in charge and we have a free will.
I am truly grateful for my salvation and so much more grateful for the salvation of my family and friends.
My prayer now is that my uncle Danny's life which has touched many will force those who knew him to question the god in their life and find the true God. Also, that my family and I's life will be used as a greater tool to reach our family and friends back home that do not know the Lord as we also reach those here in Jamaica that don't know the Lord. As with most of my life I don't know how this will take place but I know that God will use this time in our lives to be fruitful for Him.
As a good friend always says "Jesus Do u Know Him?"
God is good!!!
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